Planned Learning Experience

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Planned learning experience

Planned learning experience: Speaking and listening activity

[Name of the Institute]



Global warming2

Current Scenario of Global Warming4

Effects of Global warming5

Measures to control global warming6



Planned learning experience: Speaking and listening activity


The aim and objective of this assignment is to analyze the learning experience of speaking and listening activity. The chief topic of this assignment is to discuss with the children of class 3 about the people who are living under unfavorable circumstances in the third world countries. The chief topic which will be discussed with the students is global warming which has been regarded very important due to the changing climatic conditions of various geographic areas. The aim of this paper is to make understand the students about the natural changes which are occurring in the environment and explain them about the global warming. What is global warming and how it is affecting the natural environment. To explain its causes and consequences, examples have to be given so that students should easily grasp about it.

Global warming

The high usage of fossil fuels after the Industrial Revolution has increased the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere of earth. Carbon dioxide helps keep the temperature of earth at a moderate level through trapping the heat of the sun. However, the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the air is having a destructive effect. Due to the increased heat in the atmosphere, the sea level is rising which is the result of the melting icecaps and glaciers. Due to these phenomena, the places on the earth which are at the sea level are in jeopardy because the rise in the sea level will eliminate those places such as Islands. Scientists have been concerned over the way that Greenhouse Gases have increased in the past two hundred and fifty years. This has been due to the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation; trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide. Forests have the feature of absorbing carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. Since the Industrial revolution of 1750 carbon dioxide has approximately risen by thirty eight percent. Methane levels have gone up by approximately hundred and forty eight percent. (Simmons, 2010). Carbon dioxide is the most damaging gas to the atmosphere as it accounts for eighty percent of the total Greenhouse gas emissions. The other factor of global emissions is deforestation that contributes to twenty to twenty-five percent of all Greenhouse gas emissions. (Sohngen & Skutsch et al, 2007) Greenhouse gases allow the Sun's light to come into the atmosphere but trap a part of its radiation and warm up the air. A certain amount of Greenhouse gases is beneficial; without them the Earth's temperature would be zero degrees. These gases help maintain the normal temperature of fifty nine degrees Fahrenheit. When the Greenhouse Gases increase they trap more of the sun's radiation and increase the temperature considerably. This increase translates to hazardous climate changes that have been witnessed in the past decade.

Global warming is not only a problem for organizations but also ...
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