Planned Experiences In Early Child Care Setting

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Planned Experiences in Early Child Care Setting

Planned Experiences in Early Child Care Setting

Developmental Progress of Young Children

The first five years of life are a period of incredible growth in all areas of children development. The development progress of young children has been divided in to three age groups, babies, toddlers and preschoolers (U.S D.O.E, 2005).

Babies (From birth to 1 year old)

The development progress in children of this age group includes:

Development of partial control over their bodies. They learn to sit up, crawl and stand up.

They become aware of themselves as separate from others. They learn to cry when they are left alone and they start to recognize their names.

They start relating themselves to others.

They start to develop language and communication skills. They start making lots of sounds and begin to pronounce name of parents like mom and dad.

Toddlers (From 1 to 3 years old)

The development progress in children of this age group includes:

They become energetic and curious.

They start repeating words that parents and others say.

They start pretending to do housework.

They want to be independent and prefer to do things for themselves.

Their spoken vocabularies increase from 3 to 4 words to about 250 words.

Preschoolers (From 3 to 5 years old)

The development progress in children of this age group includes:

They start playing with other children.

They start dressing up themselves with little help.

They understand and follow the spoken directions.

They start using new words and longer sentences.

They start to like silly humor and practical jokes.

Analysis and Evaluation of Effective Communication Skills with Young Children

Young children require understanding and learning the basic communication skills to get all the way through life. Young children would be able to communicate effectively when they are taught effective communication skills by elders. A thorough and effective interaction between young children and adults is vital in developing avenues of communication and teaching them how to relate their questions, feelings in different situations and circumstances (Stern, 2011).

The analysis and evaluation of effective communication skills with young children involves usage of following strategies:

Exhibit Good Listening Skills

Listening is a type of skill that is useful for both adults and children throughout their life. Listening to young children will help them to learn the way of expressing their feelings ideas and concerns. The best method available for teaching young children the skills to listen to feelings, ideas or request of others is to listen to their as well. This will help to maintain balance of curiosity and interest in the world around them and with their fellow members at the same time.

Encourage Verbal Communication

Encouraging children to express themselves also means teaching the difference between inappropriate and appropriate verbal communication. Encouraging young children to talk while actively listening to them will boost confidence in them. Maintaining an eye contact with children will give them feeling that someone is actively listening to them and they could express their feelings in a much better way.

Defy the Temptation to Interrupt

Young children do not always express them clearly and quickly. When young children experiences difficulty, gently encourage ...
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