Planned Behaviour

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Theory of Planned Behaviour

Theory of planned behavior

It is an extension of the theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behavior is the most popular model to explain, predict and change of human social behavior. It has been applied to the study of health behaviors, including exercise, smoking, drug use, and with the limits prescribed by the medical program. (Ajzen, 2007)

According to the TPB, human behavior is determined by three factors:

1. Attitude

2. Social norms

3. Perceived behavioral control

Behavior, social norms and perceived behavioral control are the attitude of the formation of the common causes of behavior. Determinants of relative weight or importance of intent comes from the perpetrator of the act, and from one to another. However, as a general rule, a more favorable attitude and social norms, and greater perceived control, are the strong intent of the person to perform the behavior. However, since many implementation difficulties caused by the behavior, the Board believes that appropriate control of the degree of influence behavioral intentions, behavioral intentions are translated into the corresponding range of countries, individuals have control over the performance of an act of will. (Ajzen, 2005)

Belief in the important role of the Board represents the behavior of information people have, and it is this guidance, the ultimate decision-making behavior of their information. According to the TPB, the motivation of human social behavior or plans in this sense, people take into account the possible consequences of the behavior, normative expectations of important social frame of reference, and the factors that may facilitate or hinder performance. Although people may not be based on faith or their attitude, as part of social norms, perceived behavioral control is that their faith is very easy to obtain, produce the corresponding behavioral intention, and ultimately lead to acts of faith and the general tenor is consistent. However, this should not be interpreted as a deliberate recovery of the information before each performance and construction intentions efforts. When people have at least a behavior, attitude, social norm and perceived behavioral control should be able to experience the smallest spontaneously generated automatically and behavioral intention. (Armitage & Conner, 2001)

Empirical support

TPB has been used to predict and explain social behavior, including the investment decision-making, high school drop-out variety, blood donation, illegal driving, recycling, school enrollment, in the voting, the extra-marital affairs, anti-nuclear movement began to play basketball, travel mode choice, and related to environmental protection, crime, entertainment, educational, political, religious and other activities, hosts, human activity in almost every conceivable area. Its application is more intense, however, has been in the health sector, it has been used to predict and explain, such as drinking, smoking, drug use, exercise, dental care, dietary fat intake of the various acts, breast self-examination, condom use, diet, sugar intake of children, access to medical examinations, the use of dental floss, and medical program requirements. (Hardeman, et al., 2002)

These findings, in general, confirmed the predictive validity of the theory and structure. 185 data sets in the meta-analysis review, the theory represents an ...
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