Plan To Maximize Leadership Skills And Clinical Skills As An Advanced Nurse Practitioner

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Plan to Maximize Leadership Skills and Clinical Skills as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Plan to Maximize Leadership Skills and Clinical Skills as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner


Nursing along with doctors is considered as one of the noblest professions on earth. According to many critiques the role of nurses is greater than the doctor as they are directly monitoring the health of the patients and one small act of ignorance can cause the patient his or her life.

Advanced practice registered nurse are those nursing practitioners who have graduated in the field of nursing as Doctors of Nursing Practice or master of nursing. Nursing practitioners monitor and practice nursing for patients of both illnesses mental and physical. The methodology of practicing nursing is pretty much straight forward in which the nurses are expected to maintain a detailed account of every patient by maintaining their history of illness, interpreting diagnostic tests, identifying symptoms, maintaining family history and physically examine the patient.

Practicing nurses have certain authorities in terms of treating the patients as they can examine the patient, diagnose diseases minute and chronic and prescribe medicine accordingly. However, if the case is a critical one, they present the case to a specialist doctor.

The practicing nurse is the prime responsible for the care of the patient; they have the responsibility to observe patients of all ages depending upon their health and physical condition. Nurses supervise patients according to their job description and specialty for e.g. some nurses have specialized in family nursing while others in pediatrics and few in geriatrics etc.

Nurses are certified from various schools all around the world and in order to be expert in their professions a nurse is required to have certain skills of leadership and clinical expertise is also expected from efficient nurses.


The following plan describes the roles of a nursing practitioner and further highlights the two domains in which a practicing nurse needs to have expertise in order to prosper in her career. The two domains required are personal leadership and secondly the clinical skills expected from a practicing nurse of advance level or family based practitioner. The role of leadership in this paper will be discussing how to maximize you role as a leader to benefit the organization, patients and the profession.

Effective Leadership Skills

Similar, to any of the managerial roles in any organization the leadership skills of a practicing nurse are not much different as well; the only thing which changes is how that management role links itself to the profession of nursing and daily care of the patients. The leadership skills of a nurse are primarily divided into four sections; Organizational Management skills, Communication Skills, Analysis, Strategy skills and creative/ vision skills (Burhans, & Alligood, 2008).

Organizational skills

Organizational skills is a set of multiple skills as discussed in the book Built to Last but primarily when concerned with the profession of nursing the expected organizational set of skills is comprised of the following habits. Time management is the basic skill accompanied with information, human resource, information technology ...
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