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The word 'plagiarism' keeps several different meanings; to steal one's ideas and to pass them on as their own, to impart one's original work without acknowledging the source, etc. To be precise, plagiarism is a false deed, an act of fraud one might say, as it involves both; robbing sum one else's originality and faking about it on passing it forward

Why Students Plagiarize?

Now, this is one of the several important questions about plagiarism; why do students need to plagiarize? The answer to this question is simple enough; students plagiarize so that they do not have to bother putting in their own effort when they are getting all the content at a distance of a single click. The open-ended Web links providing information so conveniently to everybody seems to be very helpful is taken as a part of advancement in the technology, however, it also leads students away from struggle, putting in effort and involves them in this wrong deed, i.e., plagiarism.

Intentional Plagiarism

As the name suggests, intentional plagiarism means to voluntarily steal somebody's content and that might be done for several different reasons.

Searching Vs. Researching

Students these days, find the searching and employing data over internet, too valuable a skill. They feel that when they are blessed with these assets (open-ended sources to content), then there is no point in doing this busy task of producing their own analysis. Plus, they percept that the content they search on the internet is way better than they themselves can ever produce.

For making Grades

Competition in education and every other field has always been a factor that influences people to do wrong deeds. Students are usually under pressure from their guardians and feel a sense of competition from their fellows, to struggle and compete for making highest grades and then to get a respectable job.

Poor Planning

Students may not take the assignment seriously, thinking it could be done easily with a very less acquisition of time. But when they start doing it in the last minutes, they realize the severity and the seriousness required completing the task and at that time, they are left with no other option than to go for plagiarized content.

Unintentional Plagiarism

At times, even the most proficient writers make use of others' work without having an appropriate authority; several factors being the reason to this.

Citation Confusion

The most evident reason of content to become plagiarized unintentionally is the improper style of citations; one must learn ...
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