Placement Portfolio

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Placement Portfolio


Placement is conducted to check the optimum level of students as they are entering in the professional world. A placement portfolio is to be made for a visit to a social organisation where chest ultra sounds were conducted of older and younger 'subjects' as they were called in the social organisation. The older subjects were named as the following: ES, IS, JK, WR and etc., and the younger ones were called ben and brad. The objective of the placement was to learn the ways of taking a heart ultrasound or as it is said in medical language Echocardiogram. After a video is taken the film is converted into an image and the scale adjustments are made, so that the doctors can see and give their concluding remarks. It also included the activity of measuring chest of both, the older and the younger subjects. With the help of evaluation placement, individuals are rated according to their performance in the activities that are held during the placement. It will also help to analyse the outcomes of certain activities held under the placement. The portfolio of the placement show that the activities are guiding individuals in helping not only the society but also acts as a guiding platform for all the individuals who will enter in the professional world.

Placement Portfolio


Placement is an activity that is conducted at school, colleges, universities and professional levels. It is conducted to check the maximum level of student's ability on professional grounds. It is an activity that consists of objective placement, conversation placement and an essay placement. Placement activities are administered by individuals or groups that monitor the participation of individuals in the activities performed under a placement campaign. Before entering in a placement campaign a placement learning contract is to be designed and signed by the academic advisor who ensures that all the preventive measures are taken into consideration before allowing students or individuals to conduct a certain activity in an organisation. Placements take place not only at national level but international placements also takes place which can take place in several countries under various organisations like European Union (EU), World Health Organisation (WHO) and etc.

The philosophy behind placement is to conduct an occupational therapy of individuals and to make them realize the importance of human beings living in the society that want some love and care from other people living in the society. It also leads to self-directed learning of individuals together with their educational learning. The activity gives learning of collaboration, trust, support, flexibility and sharing emotions easily.

Learning contract is a tool that facilitates self-directing learning for human beings in their practical life are, according to the educational background. Basically the activity is conducted to give a practical view of the educational learning going on in schools, colleges and universities. Therefore, permission is to be taken by teachers, professors, principals and other relevant authorities of conducting a certain placement. Legal contract acts as a legal document between the teacher (mentor or ...
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