Physiology Assignment

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Physiology Assignment

Task 1

List all the systems of the human body and their functions. Explain how body systems interact to ensure proper functioning and growth of the human body.

List of Systems of Human Body and their Anatomical Structures

There are ten major systems of human body (Clark, 2005, pp. 25-312). These are:

Circulatory System-Heart, Blood and Blood Vessels.

Digestive System-Mouth, oesophagus, stomach and related glands.

Endocrine System-Hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland, cortisol, androgens and pancreas.

Immune System-Lymph, lymph structures, and lymph vessels.

Integumentary System- Skin, hairs, nails.

Musculoskeletal System-Bones, Joints, Cartilages and Muscles.

Nervous System-Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves and Sense Organs.

Reproductive System-Testes (in male), Ovaries (in females), and associated reproductive structures

Respiratory System-Lungs and airway passages.

Urinary System-A pair of kidney, Bladder and associated ducts


Circulatory System

Heart, arteries, capillaries and veins are the main anatomical structures of the cardiovascular system. The transport of nutrients, for example oxygen for the process of respiration is the key characteristic of this system. It likewise serves the capacity of evacuating harmful waste, like carbon dioxide. Heart is muscular structure with cardiac muscle, has got four chambers.

Right atrium: This chamber receives deoxygenated blood from the body by two major veins, the inferior vena cava and the superior vena cava. After receiving blood, this chamber pumps blood into the right ventricle through tricuspid valve.

Right ventricle: This chamber receives deoxygenated blood from right atrium and pumps it into the lungs through the pulmonary valve via the left and right pulmonary artery.

Left atrium: The function of this chamber is opposite from the right atrium. It receives oxygenated blood by the left and right pulmonary veins from the lungs and pumps into the left ventricle through the mitral or valve bicuspid valve.

Left ventricle: This chamber receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium, and pumps blood by the aortic valve for the distribution of blood throughout the body with the help of aorta, including to the heart muscle through the coronary arteries.

Digestive System

The major function of digestive system is to break down the large pieces of food into small pieces and then utilize this energy for the growth and development of the body (Guyton & Hall, 2006). Digestive system is comprised of mouth, oesophagus, stomach and related glands. The digestion process occurs of stepwise; incorporating ingestion (means taking food into the mouth) then food is digested by passing through the whole gastrointestinal tract. The large food pieces are broken down into small pieces. These small pieces are then absorbed into the body after disintegration (Shier et al., 2001; Sherwood, 2011, pp. 89-733).

Endocrine System

Endocrine system handles all the hormones of the body. This system is functionally connected with the nervous system. Hormones producing glands that are present in whole body are directed by the nervous system for releasing hormones. These hormones are then bound to the specific receptors and the desired action is produced for growth and development, regulation of temperature, reproduction and metabolic process. Glands present in endocrine system are: Hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland, cortisol, androgens ...