Physiological Principles

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Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

1.1Anatomical features of the human body

The Muscular System

The muscular system includes all the contractile tissues like skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles. All the separate organs of the body are made up of skeletal muscle tissues and connective tissues. The urinary bladder and small intestine consists of smooth muscles and the heart is made up of cardiac muscles. Heat generation, stabilization and motion are considered as the main function of the muscle tissue.

Different movements of the body like holding, nodding, running and walking are among the major functions of the muscular system. These movements are carried out by bones, joints and the muscles. The body of an individual remains stable and the postural muscles aid in the muscle contraction. The skeletal muscles help in the production of heat by the performance of the body. The normal body temperature is maintained by the generation of heat and half of the heat of body us produced by the movement of body (EPHTI, 2003, pp.43-73).

The Endocrine System

There are some control and coordinating centres of the body which includes the nervous system and the endocrine system. There are many differences among the two systems of the body. The endocrine system operates on the chemical stimuli and chemical signals. The effects produced by the system are slow and long lasting. It also generates some generalized responses on growth, metabolism and reproduction.

The Integumentary System

Skin and some other components like nails, hair and glands combine together to form the integumentary system of the body. This system functions to control the body temperature of the body, protection and to help in the elimination of the waste products from the body. It senses different pain perceptions, pressure and temperature and it facilitates the formation of D3 from sunlight.

The Nervous System

The information of the body is transported from one part of the body to another part with the help of nervous system. Nerve impulses are produced by the nervous system that and they travel from one organ to another. The nervous system is included in the major coordinating agency of the body. It is responsible to respond on the internal and external stimuli of the body.

The Skeletal System

The skeletal system is made up of ligaments, cartilages, bones and joints. The body can move easily and becomes flexible due to joints. There are two types of connective tissues which compose the skeletal system (EPHTI, 2003, pp.43-73).

Skeletal system has several functions like protection, movement, storage; support and formation of blood cells. Soft organs of the body and internal frame get support and protection from the skeletal system. The skeletal system performs the function of lever for the movement and the bones also have phosphorous and calcium in them.

Digestive System

The human body needs energy which is given by the nutrients and the substances are also produced with the help of nutrients. The food that is swallowed consists of large ...
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