Physics For Technology

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Physics for technology

Physics for technology


This assignment is aimed for understanding the basic concepts and rules of physics involving the conceptual analysis of motion, dynamics, friction, signal transmission and receiving at different environmental and physical conditions. The ancient and fundamental concept of atom and its structure is also discussed in detail in assignment.

Section A

Question number One

Consider the similarities/difference between speed/velocity. Two cars are travelling around a perfectly circular 1 km racetrack. The first is a racing car, during one perfect lap of the track it is noted that the speedometer needle stays fixed at exactly 200 km/h.

The second is a normal car; the speedometer reading varies slightly for the first half of the lap but stays perfectly fixed at 80 km/h for the second half. It is noted that for the second car, one perfect lap is completed in 36 seconds.

Consider the following statements and state whether each one can be said to be true, false or cannot be proven.

Explain your reasoning for each.

A. The racing car is at a constant velocity

B. The speedometer reading shows the instantaneous velocity of the normal car at any given moment

C. Both cars are accelerating over the entire lap

D. The average velocity of the family saloon is half that of the racing car over the entire lap.


Figure [1]

Two Cars starting on a race track

Figure [2]

Ariel View of Circular race track in Italy

In the SI is not very long ago introduced a new value called speed. This value differs from the angular velocity that, according to its standard definition, it is "? N ratio of the number of revolutions uniformly rotating body within the time interval ? t to this interval" (A.Chertov, 1990). 

This definition implies that the difference between the angular velocity and speed is that speed is determined only when a uniform rotation of the body and that the share of turnover in its measurement is not taken into account. It turns out that the angles of rotation less than one full plane angle, there is no reason to talk about speed. But it is illogical, because the proportion of turnover exist in uniform rotation. 

There are two significant differences between the angular velocity and speed. First, the angular velocity is pseudovec value and the newly introduced speed - a scalar value. Secondly, despite the fact that the dimension of the angular velocity and speed in SI coincide, i.e. are T 1, these units to SI units are different. In the angular velocity of the unit is the rad / s, while the speed is the unit s -1. Outwardly, it looks as if there is a difference inthe SI between the angular velocity and speed. But the reception this artificial, because in the SI radian is a dimensionless unit. 

The real difference between the angular velocity of the speed turns out only in the ESVP after the introduction of the basic physical quantity - the number of structural elements - with length N and unit volume (units). Unit of thing when considering periodic processes is called the period (per), when considering the rotational motion coincides with the turnover. And then it becomes clear that the angular velocity in the r / c characterizes the process ...