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A computer is a programmable machine with two specific characteristics; it responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner, and it can execute a prerecorded list of instructions, known as a program. Personal computers were first introduced into the schools in the early 1980s, and since that time computer-related activity in education has penetrated nearly every component of the national educational scene—as demonstrated by the rapid surge in the number of computers found in schools today (Geisert & Futrell, 2000). The modern personal computer, also referred to as a microcomputer or PC1, is electronic and digital. The actual machinery—wires, transistors, and circuits—is called the hardware; and the instructions, programs, and data are called software. Hardware also refers to additional peripheral devices such as scanners, printers, speakers, microphones, headsets, and gaming devices that are plugged into the computer machine. However, the instructions that make each peripheral device work efficiently are software.


The software can be loaded onto the microcomputer using a CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read-Only Memory) or a floppy disk. Floppy disks (often called floppies or diskettes) are portable and most commonly seen today in a 3½-inch rigid encasement. Much of the multimedia software used with computers in the early 21st century requires more than the 1.44 megabytes (MB) of data available on a single floppy disk; a single CD-ROM has the storage capacity of more than 500 floppy disks, or approximately 650 MB. Since the mid 1990s, many computers come equipped with DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc) players. A DVD is a type of optical disk technology similar to the CD-ROM; it holds a minimum of 4.7 gigabytes (GB) of data, enough for a full-length movie. DVDs are commonly used as a medium for digital representation of movies and other multimedia presentations that combine sound with graphics (Jupitermedia Corporation, 2004).


In the United States, the most popular educational computer systems are supplied by either Apple Computer (Mac) or by the many makers of computers that are based on Intel Corporation's microprocessors (Windows) (Poole, 1997). Operating systems provide a software platform on top of which other programs, called application programs, can run. Most software produced today is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems; to date, the sharing of software and data between these platforms has improved, but it is still not flawless (Schwartz & Beichner, 1999).

More recently, other computer devices such as handheld computers (also called personal digital assistants [PDAs]) have made an impact on student learning. Handheld devices are rapidly becoming a common technology in schools. The Palm, Handspring, and other handheld devices share the same operating system, the Palm OS. Because they are inexpensive when compared to laptop computers, many schools are finding that a mixture of desktop, laptop, and handheld devices can be used to meet a variety of educational needs (Lamb, 2004).


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