Physician Assisted Suicide

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Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician Assisted Suicide


Most of us view life as a gift, or something precious and this belief then clouds our judgment to any contradicting situation. Just because, person feels fine and happy with their life, does not mean that it is that way for us all. Whether or not one person can empathize with another is very different from having to walk a mile in their shoes.

Assisted suicide is when person helps the other person end their lives. Some may call this murder that is what murder is, when one person kills another (Torr, 2000, 11). This concept is highly dangerous because many are under the misconception of "right to die", so it does not seem as reprehensible as the murder suicide to a person. A common form of this practice is to give the patient medicine to take it, by itself, a lethal dose.

Thesis Statement

The law should support the decision of patients who have scheduled for assisted suicide for terminal cases and irreversible.


Assisted suicide has been a topic of contentious debate across the United States for years. At the heart of the issue is a complex web of religious, medical, and ethical issues surrounding the value of life and individual freedom, because many people have such strong feelings about these issues, it is difficult for people on different sides of the debate to see each others' perspectives or reach a compromise. Most of us are familiar with Dr. Jack Kevorkian. He is a major supporter of the right to die movement. In fact, he may be considered the very face of the movement. He is believed to have assisted over 100 people to meet their end. Because of this he has been persecuted, even forced to spend some time in prison over his actions (Uhlmann, 2004, ...
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