Physical Therapist Assistant Program

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program

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Physical Therapist Assistant Program

Question 1

An important profession in healthcare that is basically related to the remediation of disabilities and impairments along with the promotion of functional ability, movement potential in the body joints, quality of life, mobility, physical intervention, evaluation and diagnosis is commonly known as Physical therapy or physiotherapy. The individuals, who are involved in management of these activities, are commonly known as physical therapists. The other activities that are included in physical therapy profession include education, administration, consultation and research. Every country has different licensing requirements for physical therapists to continue their profession in an effective way.

The physicians such as later Galenus and Hippocrates were known as the true practitioners of physical therapy, who advocated manual therapy techniques, massage and hydrotherapy in providing effective treatment to people in 460 BC. The development in physical therapy was incorporated in 18th century due to the development of orthopedics and machines like Gymnasticon were introduced for treating gout and other related diseases through systematic exercises of the joints. American Physical Therapy Association is an authority that is effectively monitoring the performance of physical therapists and it also providing practicing license that is required in effectively managing all the above stated activities. American Physical Therapy Association is accrediting education related to physical therapy curriculum in all the states of United States of America.

Physical therapy is an activity that is given to patients or individuals while they are getting rehabilitation or medical services. The history of physical therapy is connected to the prior recorded medical studies that were practiced in an ancient Greece. Major changes have taken place in the field of physical therapy treatment due to the use of latest technologies, skills and knowledge. Physical therapy is a process that is provided to all those people who are facing stiffness in their body joints (American Physical Therapy Association, 2000). Through physical therapy the components of the body such as bones, tendons and joints that have become in-active are given exercises that would help in making these parts active again. The need for qualified and well trained physiotherapists or physical therapists are in great demand, as they are the ones who have an ability to support the medical practices. American Physical Therapy Association is offering extensive courses and programs to all those individuals, who want to make career in this field. Effective interventions are taken by the medical associations that are providing extensive support patients in rehabilitation of their health related issues (Sullivan, 2011).

Question 2

The World Confederation for Physical Therapy (1951) has helped the entire world in understanding the role of physical therapy in the healthcare management practices. According to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, more than 106 member organizations and 350,000 physical therapists (Approx.) are effectively providing physiotherapy all over the world. Physical therapy is an essential job that was evolved in Britain in the 19th century. The need for physical therapists was observed during the First World War in which women ...
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