Physical Social Emotional Development

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Physical Social Emotional Development

Physical Social Emotional Development


Children are very sensitive. They are like wet clay that needs careful molding in order to become something that is good and right. PSED or Physical, Social, Emotional Development refers to the numbers of experiences that are provided to children that would help them create a sense of positive individuality and respect for others, social skills and a thirst for knowledge (, 2007).

The individuality of the infant, in part, depends on its unique constitution, individual, from birth to interact with others of their species. Their power and their willingness to establish links with other human beings, as part of their innate and unique organization, are also the result of mixing the most developed evolutionary forms. The newborn is a self-organizing system and its goal is to minimize the differences between developing organism and the environment is always changing. This concept of bi directionality of the action is important not only to understand the process of adaptation, but also to differentiate the action of the movement. The baby, if it shows signs of retardation or emotional problems, is a person in action and not moving (Mansager, Volk, 2005).

Being wanted and feeling important, well cared for are the two most vital aspects of physical, emotional and social well being of children. They need constant recognition, acknowledgement and affirmation by the people they deem important in their lives. These points help the children gain inner strength and confidence by creating secure bonds and attachments with their caretakers, parents or simply whoever provides them (, 2007).

When a child explores these close relationships and experiences new things, it leads to the development of self-assurance, promotion of a sense of belonging. These feeling acts as a secure foothold for the child to return to if he feels threatened in his pursuit of the new.

The children require the adults to be exemplary roles models and provide them with opportunities to interact with other people, this is necessary because it will lead them to develop positive notions about others and themselves. Those children, who express themselves freely and are indeed encouraged to be more and more expressive about their sadness, frustrations, fears and joys are able to create strategies and ways to deal with the challenging, changing, new and stressful situations (, 2007).


Supporting Families in Foundation Stage

The importance of the foundation years

Children's emotional, physical, cognitive and language development from the time of conception till the age of five years act as the foundations on which they build the rest of their lives. It influences how the children learn, what they learn, their mental and physical health, relationships and friendships and lastly even their career and occupations. The children, who grow up in disadvantaged families, like those who are in constant state of economic crisis or a dysfunctional family, can either embed the disadvantage or eventually learn to break free from the cycles. (DfE and DH, 2011)

The Supporting Family Foundation system dictates the language and communication ought to be one of the three ...
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