Physical Assisted Suicide

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Physical Assisted Suicide


To highlight and understand the phenomenon prevalent in the area of creating the best and most effective treatment and healing processes for patients, death is the ultimate motivation to healthcare institutions, hospitals and nursing care homes to take care of the people and patients, who are coming to you for aid and assistance with reference to the pain and problems they may facing.

Unfortunately, with doctors and patients not working in unison may opt and demand to give them death and end their otherwise painful journey. With this paper, our motive is to highlight and identify whether euthanasia and physical assisted suicide should be used as a tool to ease the pain of the patient and bring their life to an otherwise 'justified' (Almagor, pp.436).

Euthanasia implies the demand of an individual (be it be a patient or any criminal), who makes way for opting for a forceful, yet approved death by the person them self. Scholars and people belonging to the genre of police administration and criminal judiciary term the phenomenon as “the practice of deliberately halting the life of an individual's life to ease ache and anguish.”

The accounts of euthanasia occur during the time when an individual cannot cater or cope up with his or her current disability or incapacity to work on a normal routine of life (Harris, pp.367).

Defining the Phenomenon

For a brief understanding, physical assisted suicide, more popularly known as euthanasia, is defined as the event where the patient is of the view that some form of medical dosage, pill, capsule or injection which is life-taking should be given to them, which would put them and their misery to an end and put their parents, relatives and loved ones to peace (Mohanty, pp.214).

Criteria for the candidacy of Euthanasia

Whenever considering euthanasia, there are several rules and regulations that have been implemented and undertaken with reference to catering a different class of people around the United States. In order for a candidate to become eligible for availing the facility of euthanasia, the person should be diagnosed of a physical illness as priority (Mohanty, pp.214).

Other symptoms and conditions, such as lack of hopelessness, depression, the willingness to die, are prominent conditions for young ones and adults to adopt. In such times, there should be legal and medical provision to enable him or her to be permitted to die, or be assisted to die. Patient-assisted suicide (PAS) ...
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