Physical Activities Of Youth

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Participation of Youth in Five Physical Activities and its Effects

Participation of Youth in Five Physical Activities and its Effects


Child is considered anyone less than 12 years. Studies have shown that childhood obesity can be maintained into adulthood. In fact, the risk of obesity in adulthood is at least two times higher in obese children than in non-obese. Therefore, physical activity during childhood seems to generate protection against obesity later in life.



It is expected that by the child physical activity (a) develop the following capabilities:

Increased self esteem and reduces the tendency to develop dangerous behavior.

Reduce the negative attitudes to school

Physical Education is an important subject that also serves as preparation for working life.

Improves health, prevents injuries and damages resulting from bad posture.

Improved school performance

Provides experience in structured activities with clear objectives and outcomes.

Helps develop abstract thinking through notions such as speed, distance, depth, strength, momentum, fair play.

It promotes concentration and participatory attitude (Suitor & Kraak, 2007).

Examples of activities

Walk to school.

Walking with parents

Use the stairs



Carry bags of shopping.

Playing hide and seek

Playing in the yard

Playing at the beach

Climbing trees


Playing soccer



Precautions should be taken into account

One should try to perform a wide variety of physical activities (favoring the body schema acquisition and coordination), dynamic exercise of large muscle groups and games. It should also be practiced in different environments and natural environments. It is important not forbid without an objective reason sports physical practice for chronic diseases.

Frequency: Daily

Intensity: moderate, vigorous.

Duration: over 30 minutes.

Physical Activity and Adolescence

Adolescence is the period that begins at puberty (approximately 12-13 years) and ends around age 21 (in women considered to be completed before)The capacity for physical activity substantially modified during this period of growth in boys is an important advance in strength, power, endurance and motor skills, while girls usually have decreased sense of ability and skill motorboat (Suitor & Kraak, 2007).


Improved cardiovascular function

Contributes to proper maturation of the musculoskeletal system and their psychomotor skills

Improves bone health, muscle strength and flexibility.

The feelings of security

Feelings of training (self-perceived effectiveness) and improvement

The feelings of being in good physical condition (eg, the absence of overweight)

Avoid leisure increases, due to the emergence of easy access and control to the media without preventing roads, etc.


Endurance: This physical activity should be performed daily whenever you make lots of muscles involved (games, sports, recreation, physical education). Move large muscle mass, strenuous activity, daily and short better than long but infrequent. Develop ...
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