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Paparazzi Photographers

Photographers that take candid pictures of real celebrities are known as paparazzi. They surely try to catch candid moments in their camera and catch celebrities unaware. Paparazzi really take pictures when the celebrities are not ready and they don't expect to be photographed. The paparazzo's are always trying to follow the celebrities around wherever they go as they just want to catch them in their unconscious moods when they are not prepared to face the camera.

The difference between the press photographers and the Paparazzo's are that the press photographers take picture at different award functions or red carpet parties. The celebrities are prepared and walk in style because they know and they also want to be photographed in their best as they want publicity. But the Paparazzi are different in this respect as their main concern is to catch the celebrities of their guard and try to capture these odd moments in their cameras and this gets them exclusive pictures. Paparazzi take advantage of these unguarded moments when these celebrities drop of their guard and do their normal routine things as they are unaware that they are being photographed. The Paparazzi sell the pictures for a very huge amount to the highest bidder and at times some of the paparazzi resort to blackmail the celebrities and demand money (Sparks, 2009).

They simply try to follow the celebrity wherever he or she goes and takes photos of them when he least expects to be photographed that is while shopping or a quite day at the beach. The surely make the celebrities life very miserable and at times they also suffer emotional setbacks when they are if fear of being exposed by the paparazzi. This is the reason that at time people just tend to avoid photographer because just think what these celebrities have to go through and no one can be ready to face the camera at all times. Just as we common people like to have a quite evening out or go for quite walks even celebrities are have common needs and they also need to relax and enjoy their day at the beach or have a quite dinner with their family and friends just like ordinary people but the paparazzi are forever at the back of these celebrities and trying to take pictures of their unguarded moments.

Paparazzi are really independent contractors that usually work with the mainstream media. They tend to bribe the celebrities manager's and agents to learn the daily schedule of the celebrities so that they can get the chance of following them without much problem. Paparazzi pictures sure can affect the lives of people and at times destroys their confidence and their family life too.

Magazines and media are forever ready to buy the paparazzi pictures at a high price and they also want exclusive rights for it so that the paparazzo doesn't double cross them. There are some occasions where the celebrities are prepared to be photographed such as in film premiers and star parties but ...
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