Philosophy, Sex, Religion And Cultures

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Philosophy, Sex, Religion and Cultures

Philosophy, sex religion and cultures


Robert Salmon and Kathleen Higgins have compared two main schools of thoughts in the section of the book “The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy / Edition 8”. In this assignment, the excerpt that is evaluated from page 296 and 343.

Culture is a Latin word that means the cultivation of soil and plants. It is defined by different authors and philosophers in almost similar manner. It is conceived as a system that shares broad competency design and deep principles and values (Moore, 2005). Culture cannot be viewed in isolation. It is not limited to the knowledge of individual and his thinking and feeling about his world. Indeed culture is a theory that allows one person to know, believe and perceive his code of conduct. Another author has defined culture as a system that unifies the interrelated things into a whole. It is basically a system that creates, sends, stores, and processes information (Kelly, 2002).


The two schools of thoughts interpret culture in different philosophies as identified by the authors. One school of thoughts includes Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Integral Yoga, Islam, Taoism, Zen and other school of thoughts includes Christianity, Rational, Scientific, Logical schools (Carens, 2000). The authors claim that first school of thoughts supports cosmological unity. This concept encourages the fact that life is all about achieving eternal realities. The desire to achieve these realities motivates us to perform a journey towards these realities that surround our existence (Moore, 2005). In these schools of philosophies, individuals are dependent on the inner self feelings and thinking that formulate his actions. The philosophers of these cultures focus on behavioral ethics. The authors explore how the philosophers of these cultures have focused on self liberation. The central idea is to find the true ...
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