Philosophy Of Success

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Philosophy of Success

Philosophy of Success

My philosophy of success is different in my own way. To me success is when you excel in something that one has been thinking about since, he or she is a child. Moreover, it is not only excelling, but, using the legitimate and rightful ways to reach your desired destination. Reaching the desired destination through the right path is something, which gives the person an inner content. I have always wanted to be a nurse and I have been striving hard since my childhood to accomplish this goal. In order to excel in this path, I have enrolled myself in this course, having a firm belief that it will help my in reaching my desired destination.

Since nursing is not only a profession, but also in discipline, nursing practice is based on a contract which outlines the professional responsibilities and rights in order to be accountable to the public. There is no country in the world, which allows nurses to practice without having any laws for nursing practice. All activities of nursing practices are defined in the laws which govern them. For working in the nursing profession, nurses must hold an accredited degree, which is dependent on the scope of nursing education and practice. In order to enter the profession, nurses must have a license and these nurses are known as Licensed Professional nurses.

In addition to this, there are also registered nurses; however, the highlighting factor, which differentiates a registered nurse from a licensed nurse, are the requirements which for entering into nursing practice, which identifies the scope of practice, between these two nurses. For example, in the United States, a licensed nurse must hold a diploma in nursing where as a registered nurse must have a bachelor degree. A Registered nurse (RN) provides scientific, ...
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