Philosophy Of Nursing

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Personal philosophy of nursing

Personal philosophy of nursing

Role of the nursing profession in society

Nursing is one of those few professions everyone can look to with respect. It is my personal believe that the responsibility of a nurse can be very difficult, challenging and even at times frantic, on the same time very satisfying and internally gratifying. I believe and understand nursing as a lifelong profession which influences ever thing you do and the way you perceive the world.

Purposes of nursing

I believe that a nurse has to meet new challenges, and work under pressure in traumatic situations every day, while promptly responding to emergencies and other situations that arise. All this is to be done while remaining calm, and impartial at all times, and mindful of different cultures and tradition of individual clients. In my opinion, excellent attention to details has to be paid keeping in mind the sensitive nature of the work, one has to be able to feel compassion and provide comfort (Weiner, 2011).

Who do nurses serve?

I think that nurses are some of the best examples of humanity, serving humanity as a whole to heal, and recover in their time of need. As a passive listener, I believe that I strive at providing the best quality of life for the concerned patients, whoever they may be.

Assuring the public that the nurses will serve all its members well

It is better to keep in mind that not everyone can be made happy, but all practicable steps can be taken to do so. As a nurse, the sincerity to help the public is essential and should be reflected in day to day conduct. I believe in working as a team to provide the best possible care for patients, who will realize how committed professional of this profession is in ...
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