Philosophy Of Education

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Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education


Educational institutions play a very vital role in molding the way in which the students perform. Moreover, they also groom the child with respect to its educational and behavioral abilities. Children join schools at a very young age and spend half of their day at school. Therefore, it is more important for the schools especially those who have enrolled students in the primary level to provide the best facilities to the students. This is important because the students learn that their school teaches them. Furthermore, they join high school and university where they are also groomed, and this plays a crucial role for humans to flourish (Taylor, 1999).

Education philosophy is a term popularized by John Dewey (1859-1952) to signify a study of the fundamental principles of the theory of education, as distinguished from the "science of education," i.e., the empirical study of the educational process, and from the "art of education," i.e., the techniques or methods of teaching practice. For Dewey, the philosophy of education dealt principally with the values or goals of education. The history of scholastic thought indicates that fundamental questions of a rational type have been raised concerning (1) the nature of man as he is capable of getting education, (2) the goal or the character of the truly educated man, (3) the trained abilities that man acquires in achieving this goal, and (4) the agents by which man is educated. In this context, the term "education" should not be limited to merely academic training, but rather taken in its widest sense of the development of all facets of human personality—physical, moral, and intellectual—in their individual and social aspects (Noddings, 2011).


There are many educational institutions that opt for restructuring and these are the ones that promote the benefits of forms of management. The staff that is hired by such educational institutions is cooperative, and the teachers participate well when decision making is being done. Moreover, the leadership of the school principal or Directors is also supportive which greatly helps in the grooming of the children. A theoretical perspective of this is known as contingency theory. This is also referred as organic management. The study that has been conducted by Miller & Rowan who have reviewed the relationship that is built between the organic management and students. They have studied the way in which students in elementary and secondary schools grow and achieve their goals. For the estimation of growth, there were two national databases that have been used by the authors to a series of three-level growth models through which achievement of the students in elementary and secondary schools is determined. It has been suggested by the results that this is not a wise idea to determine the achievements of the students at any of these levels of schooling (Kassin et al., 2005).

Defining Education

An educator is the one with the responsibility of teaching the next generation, which should make youth an effective citizen beneficial for society and ...
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