Philosophy Of Education

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Philosophy of Education

Education plays a very vital role in the development of individuals. It can change the whole life of an individual in a positive way. In order to be blessed with the gift of education, teacher and educational institutes provides assistance to students. Moreover, they also groom the child with respect to its educational and behavioral abilities. Children join schools at a very young age and spend half of their day at school. Therefore, it is more important for the schools especially those who have enrolled students in the primary level to provide the best facilities to the students. This is important because the students learn that their school teaches them. Furthermore, they join high school and university where they are also groomed, and this plays a crucial role for humans to flourish.

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky presented his theory on the philosophy of Education based on following points.

1. Cultural mediation and internalization - When children interact with other people belonging to different backgrounds, they learn their habits, which is known as cultural mediation. However, the knowledge that the children gain from these kinds of interactions represents the shared knowledge of the culture and is known as internalization.

2. Psychology of play - Research was conducted by him on play and children's games and the role they play on the development of a child. Playing enables a child to develop abstract meaning that is different from the objects in the world, and this serves as a decisive factor in development of the child's cognitive functions.

3. Thought and Language - Language development and thought have an inter-relationship.

4. Zone of proximal development - This refers to the tasks a child can complete independently and the ones for which he requires assistances of the adults (Noddings, p. 25).

My philosophy of education is quite simple. It is ...
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