Philosophy Assignment

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Philosophy Assignment


Education is presented not only in school, but from the time when the child steps into the world and then values are passed onto the child from his family. Education has the principle of cultural transfer, so that people adapt to society and have the ability to develop their potential, and as a result it leads to the evolution of the society. The educational process transcends the formal school as a child to speak the first words and take the first steps and then assimilate various learning through contact with the world. Education cannot be a passive process, because when the student learns, he develops the potential to think and see the world and automatically grows as an individual who composes and can change the society. For the student to develop fully it is necessary that the school offers favorable learning conditions. The school must prepare the child to acquire citizenship in his society, so that he is able to participate in the social life, and contributes to the development of the community and the country itself. It is necessary that the child since the start knows of his duties and rights both. The following paper represent a critical analysis of some theoretical reflections about the nature of the Philosophy of Education by various specialists in this field and fixing the position of different authors with respect to its definition, subject matter and tasks, highlighting, from an epistemological and axiological, the importance of considering education as a normative science practice, focused on achieving full compliance with the purposes of education.


Thesis Statement1



Worldview and philosophy of life/education1

Philosophy of schools/learning2

Instructional practice/methodology3

Teacher-learner relationships4




Philosophy Assignment

Thesis Statement

Education is the ladder for the students to get to the point where they want to reach in life.


Education does not serve only one purpose, it fulfills a number of objectives and the importance of each is high. The educational processes are designed according to the diversity present in the economic, social, spiritual, cultural and political structures of the life of the individual. Not only this, how instructions are delivered to the students is an important indicator of the success of the students in life ahead. The subject of the philosophy of education has been approached by various specialists in finding bibliographic information by different researchers, the extremes ranging from those who are sworn enemies of the Philosophy of Education, and even those who know their roles and tasks in the multiplicity of educational sciences. This paper covers important topics such as concept, subject matter and tasks of Philosophy of Education, epistemological and axiological aspects of school work.


Worldview and philosophy of life/education

As we engage in discussions around the schools with the teachers, students and their parents, we realize that people have misconceptions about the true meaning of education and its role in reinventing human lives. Most of the people believe that education is equipment for achieving the luxuries in life that can be utilized for exploitation of the masses (Noddings, 1995). There are a few however who think that ...
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