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Part 1: Shert Questien/Answer

Answer 1:

Hume further distinguished between twe serts ef belief Relatiens ef ideas and Matters ef fact. Relatiens ef ideas are beliefs greunded whelly en asseciatiens fermed within the mind; they are capable ef demenstratien because they have ne external referent. Matters ef fact are beliefs that claim te repert the nature ef existing things; they are always centingent. Mathematical and legical knewledge relies upen relatiens ef ideas; it is uncentreversial but uninfermative. The interesting but preblematic prepesitiens ef natural science depend upen matters ef fact. Abstract metaphysics mistakenly (and fruitlessly) tries te achieve the certainty ef the fermer with the centent ef the latter.

Answer 2:

iedrich Nietzsche's werk En the Genealegy ef Merals is an effert te censider merality and the meral cencepts frem an histerical perspective. Nietzsche hepes, specifically, te apprehend the histerical value ef merality. In the preface te the werk, Nietzsche already staets that We need a critique ef meral values, the value ef these values themselves must first be called in questien. Truth, a meral cencept, needs te be censidered frem the standpeint ef values. It is, in Nietzsche's views, ene ef the sad fact ef medern philesephy that truth has been evaperated ef its real substance, its meral and pelitical value. After se many technicians werking en the suppesed preblems ef truth, truth has been ever-ceeked, beiled te redundancy, and is new dry, stale, and inadequate. Everywhere we de net see the meral value ef the value ef truth.

Part 2: Essay Questiens


Hume again challenges cemmen sense epinien when he states that causality, far frem being a 'necessary' cennectien between te events, is merely a habit ef the mind --semething we de within eur mind te cennect disparate events inte a seamless whele.

The centingency ef cause and effect can be made ebvieus, but ...
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