Peter The Great

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Peter the Great by M.S Anderson

Peter the Great by M.S Anderson

Peter the great, written by M.S Anderson. The book mainly discusses the formative figures in the history of Europe. The main focus of the book is on the leadership of Russia federation and its emergence.

The first chapter focuses on the Russia before Peter: Modernization and Resistance. Initially, in political theory, understood as a set under the modernization process of industrialization, bureaucratization, secularization, urbanization, and rapid development of education and science. A representative of political power, the acceleration of the spatial and social mobility, quality of life, the rationalization of social relations that lead to the formation of modern, open society in opposed to traditional closed. The author describes that long before Peter the Great was born there was roots of forces of changes along with the possibilities of new growths very much prominent is the Old Russian society. The author mentioned the reforms of Peter the Great indicating the most remarkable attainment of all which was the emergence into Europe.

According to Anderson, The first experience of Russian modernization is the reforms of Peter. Attempts to westernize the country were made before, but Peter's reforms were the first experience of catching up modernization. Successful conversion could be further organic Russia's progress towards industrialization, the development of civil society and political democracy. However, this did not happen.

The consequences of Peter's reforms in various fields were not identical, with some flaws in this version of the initial modernization and reproduced in the later stages of the country's history. Peter I tried to borrow the techniques and technology in isolation from the social and economic institutions within which they operated in the West. Not surprisingly, the use of foreign technological models led to results opposite to those achieved in other countries. For example, if in Western Europe, the development of manufacturing accompanied by the collapse of the feudal structures in Russia planting manufactures the top only gave added impetus to this feudalism institution, as serfdom. Some innovations have been completely unprepared previous development of the country and have an artificial character . The image of Peter the Great Reformer mythologized transformations carried out in Russia before Peter the Great. Peter broke the beneficial that done earlier Russian tsars, and led the state to the centenary crisis. Economic initiatives of Peter destroyed intensively developing economic structure and organic modernization, ravaged the country, catapulted her into feudalism.

According to Anderson, there are certain points that highlighted in the second chapter of the book are related to The young Tsar. The main method of implementing the reforms of Peter I was the violence and tools modernization were autocracy and serfdom. The purpose of which reached the tsar-reformer, - the creation of strictly centralized, militarized state with a unified management system continually monitors for each subject having no personal freedoms, but only right and duty to work for the common good. Much of the character and life of the young Tsar Peter the Great caused the condemnation ...
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