Pet Planet

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Pet Planet

Table of Contents


Company Overview11


A/R Matrix12

Market Dynamics12

Assess Industry Market Potential13

Estimate industry market potential14

Choose Foreign Business Partners15

Estimate company sales potential17

Market Analysis19

Conclusion and Recommendation26



Pet Planet

Executive Summary

This reports deals with the foreign investment prospects and globalization of the Pet Planet Company. This report includes the entire outlook which needs to be considered before making a foreign expansion. The report in based on the points incorporated in the GMOA (Global Market Opportunity Assessment) Model. Apart from the all the points areas which are there in the GMOA (Global Market Opportunity Assessment) model, this report also includes the market segmentation and future sales forecast of the organization in respect to the countries we have targeted. The countries which we have targeted include Portugal, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Luxemburg. The report also includes the detail analysis of the countries with the help of A/R matrix and the complete overview of the organization itself. The report also takes into account the other business partners which are required by the business in order to serve for them in other countries. The role of intermediaries can never be taken out of the equation and the prior mentioned section discusses it in detail. We have also incorporated the laws which are there in the following countries that might be of help or hindrance to the expansion of the organization. The market analysis part of the report deals with the details dynamics of the country in respect to the Pet product market available there. The reference tables and other supportive documents are presented in the Appendix of the report. The last section of the Report contains the conclusion and recommendation of the Project from our team. This part incorporates our learning and what we suggest as a Strategy for Pet Planet to slot in their global expansion.


This report deals with the business of Pet planet and its analysis in contrast with the CMOA (Global Market Opportunity Assessment) Model. In this paper, we will be discussing the countries we have selected for this research, which includes Belgium, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria and Luxembourg. Apart from this, the paper also includes the incorporation of the last three steps of Global Market Opportunity Assessment model. This paper will serve as a investment and venture guideline for Pet Planet as to whether they should go for the expansion in these regions or not. All this will be analyzed in compliance with Global Market Opportunity Assessment model.

Company Overview

The pet Planet is a UK based company which deals with all the products associated with pets. The product range of this company is very wide and they provide almost all the accessories and food range for various kinds of pets which are usually kept by general public. They are ranked as number one pet product supplier in UK. The business of Pet Planet is not only restricted to UK, in fact they also supply their products across the borders as well. Many people confuse Pet planet as a Pet provider, However they only deal with the accessories ...