Persuasive Essay On Vns And Medicine Treatment For Epileptic Children

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Persuasive Essay on VNS and Medicine Treatment for Epileptic Children

Persuasive Essay on VNS and Medicine Treatment for Epileptic Children

Arguments in Favor of VNS and Medicine Treatment for Epileptic Children

Epilepsy is one of the rising apprehensions in today's world. The understanding plans on the public altitude are essential to build knowledge and to recommend the excellent treatment technique. Epilepsy is a disorder of brain which occurs caused by the group of neurons in the brain distributes off beam indicators. Neurons generally produce electro-chemical impulses that feature in further neurons, muscles and glands to generate human thinking, manners and proceedings. In epilepsy, the typical outline of neuronal movement is bothered, inducing odd feelings, sentiments and conducts or occasionally seizures, muscular contractions and loss of consciousness. In a convulsion, the neurons can shoot equal to 500 times a second, greatly quicker than usual. In few populaces, this takes place often infrequently, for others it can come about hundreds of times a day (Lathers, 2011). In children with epilepsy, the most important thing to identify is the type of seizure and epileptic syndrome to guide appropriate treatment decisions. For most children, attacks can be controlled with a single antiepileptic drug. For many epilepsy syndromes, but not all, carbamazepine (especially in cases of partial epilepsy) and valproic acid are treatments of choice.

A careful and accurate diagnosis of the type of epilepsy that the patient is suffering is essential to find effective treatment. There are many different ways to treat epilepsy. Current treatments can control seizures at least for a time, about 80% of patients with epilepsy. However the remaining 20% of epilepsy patients have seizures that cannot be adequately treated with currently available means, so it is absolutely necessary improved treatments or the appearance of new ones.

Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve (VNS) is a procedure that has proved effective in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures in epilepsy child patients with difficult to control. Is used in patients with epilepsy refractory to antiepileptic drugs that are not candidates for surgical resection or unwilling to undergo surgical treatment of the brain. In this sense, it is important to remember that respective surgery is much more effective than ENV in appropriate candidates so that VNS is considered a palliative procedure. It is a moderate electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is one of the major nerves that allow the brain to control and regulate the activity of internal organs. Stimulation is usually carried out in child patients with partial epileptic seizures over 16 years who failed to stop the seizures with medication or surgery (Shorvon, 2004).

Approximately 60% of patients the frequency of seizures under the influence of stimulation is significantly reduced. There are reports of positive results in the treatment of generalized seizures. Stimulation is carried out with a small implanted electrical generator, which sends impulses to vagus special wire. The generator and the wire are implanted under the skin of the upper part of the left half of the ...