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Is being Gay a Choice?

Is being Gay a Choice?


There is no accurate or specific explanation, all inclusive for being gay. It may be easier for a person to tell what homosexuality is not. This is not defeated genetics, hormone imbalance, mental illness, or the result of possessed by a demon. Homosexuality or being gay means that the men get attracted emotionally and sexually to other men, naturally. It is also known as a physical and mental imbalance.

Being Gay, is what?

The gay is a person who is having strong physical and emotional feelings (the need to get closer to God, interaction with others, the desire to love and be loved in return) that are not met. Why do people feel this attraction to same sex? Homosexuality gained through a complex mix of influences and personal choices. Many people attracted to same sex say they have a sense of being “different” from a very young age, and therefore, convinced that they are “born gay”. Sometimes, the media and magazines have given the impression that scientists have found DNA evidence. So far, there is no valid evidence. The awareness and view of being special and unique is a factor (Barker, 2004)

There are those who think that some people are gay by their own choice. This is not the case for most gay people. They do not wake up one morning, saying that “Well, I have not had a same-sex attraction to this point, but now I think I'll be gay. “You cannot change direction as easily as on and off a light. It goes without saying that we always have a choice with regard to our decisions, whether we are gay or not. We choose to obey our emotions and desires and how. The fact that we feel certain desires does not require that we give in. Similarly, those who are experiencing the attraction towards same sex can choose for identifying themselves as people “gay” or “lesbians”.

Another factor to consider is what happened in their lives. Some may be injured emotionally, and this affects what they think of themselves. They may have been victims of sexual abuse or they have had a break with one, or both parents (having spent much time with those who want to leave homosexuality, we find that many of them have experienced one or more of these experiences (Brown, 2001). Note that those who have experienced sexual abuse or who have had a difficult relationship with a parent will not all necessarily attracted to others of the same sex. Well, those of a homosexual orientation have all experienced sexual abuse). Over the years, depending on the support or lack of support they received in order to navigate through the difficult times they have experienced, and according to the choices they made, these individuals began to have the attraction to those of the same sex.

There seems to be in general a number of different elements that make a difference in the lives of some ...
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