Personality Theory

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Personality Theory

Personality Theory


Personality theory tries to find people who share similar personal characteristics and identifies the factors that are different and unique in different people. Freud developed a personality, from his spiritual insight, the first theory, in the early 1890s to be his treatment of neurological patients: the unconscious forces to determine the existence of human behavior. In the next 40 years, he developed the most influential 20th century theory of personality. Freud argues that human behavior reflects the result of a lifelong struggle, in which the oppressed unacceptable and aggressive instincts in the ID is acceptable to express the reasons for redirection, the strength of the self, the conscience of the superego. (Frick, 1991)

Freud thought made the personality theory develop during the early 20th century, most notably Carl Jung, and Adler, many young European intellectuals. Jung divided psychology, as he called into the mind of self-consciousness, personal unconscious and collective unconscious. He assumed that the inherent in every human is an Indian first, valuation life-long process, during differentiation, as well as the hearts of others (e.g., rational / irrational, male / female) against the balance of power requirements. If realized, an integrated self appear. (Leo, 2002)

Adler on the grounds that everyone in his life is struggling to overcome from the feeling of inferiority, in the first few as a child's life, helpless, totally dependent for many years, compared itself more powerful administrator. Respond to the feelings of these children do not consciously dominant (personal capacity) efforts to develop the basic goal of life, so that a focus on building a way of life to achieve these goals. Self, according to Freud, there is no independent functions. Serve only as a mediator, the instinct to meet ID requirements. Freud's daughter Anna, and Margaret Mahler in the mid-20th century to expand the self-concept, adds features to guide people's lives in the master's requirements, especially those with social skills. Their focus is the study and treatment of children, and produced a spirit of self-psychology. (Dweck, 2006)


Author elaborates the concept about personality theory in the second half of the 20th century. He speculated that self-development, will work closely together to change the social system and values. His theory is the core of self-identification; the process begins in adolescence and continuing the development of life. Eriksson reason for self-development through genetic pre stage (critical period) series occurs. Specific development at each stage to increase the complexity of the social crisis facing. (Leo, 2002)Society in the process, ensure the correct order and at the appropriate speed started.

The object relation theorists, self-described spiritual transformation of the core ideas and concepts are explained. Prominent of these theorists is Melanie Klein, David W Winnicott, and Heinz Kohut. They stressed that a person's unconscious processes have a profound impact the relationship between people and their relationship to a person's inner world of the impact of the development, particularly in the security, love, compassion, admiration, and believed the baby's interpersonal struggle. Harry Stack Sullivan, Interpersonal theorists, the effect is ...
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