Personality Theorist

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Personality Theorist


Theories of personality are those who try to give a universal explanation of the processes and psychological characteristics that may be fundamental inhuman nature. The theories of personality are interested in the investigation and description of those factors, which together make the individual, to understand their behavior and try to predict it. There is currently no unifying theory within the field of psychology of personality, being in place several major theories that in some cases are of interest only historical. Personality is a psychological construct with which we refer to a dynamic set of characteristics of a person. But never refer to the feature set physical or a genetic determinant of an individual within your organization is what makes us act differently to one or more circumstances. The personality is sometimes depicted with the symbol of a mask. This paper focuses on the personality theory presented by Gordon Allport by performing in depth analysis of his research and findings. Firstly by giving Gordon Allport brief biography and his contribution to personality theories and analysis of the findings and concluding with personal viewpoint on the theory presented by Gordon Allport.


The word personality comes from the word etymologically person, which in Greek is prosopon and means "mask" is defined as the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought. It is a relatively stable and enduring organization of character, temperament, intellect and physical of a person, which determines its unique adaptation to the environment (Allen, 1997). They are forms most of the time stable characteristics of the individual, thinking, experiencing and behaving.

Personality develops and changes throughout life. It is the result of the interaction of heredity and environment of human being, social learning and personal experiences. It is the usual way that people behave, where they express their behaviors and experiences (Matthews,, 2009). It is an individual and social phenomenon because each person is unique and unrepeatable and social as we are aware of our actions we see as we condition the environment and build. It is an abstraction that helps us to order experience and predict behavior (Larsen & Buss, 2005).

Personality has two components, a genetic basis, called temperament, and one that is identified as a character, which depends on social and environmental determinants of the individual. Through the character is how we develop our strengths and abilities, indicates the way human beings have to act, think and express affection (Robinson,, 1991).

Personality theory

Theories of personality try to explain psychological knowledge of the individuality of people and integrate the inner connection of personality traits. This creates a framework for the psychological assessment and for the practical application of psychological principles of personality (Maddi & Costa, 1972). In personality psychology and in the older character customer number of personality theories has been developed. This variety of theories can irritate, because it shows how these are preliminary designs, but also how difficult a comprehensive personality theory. Important reasons for this pluralism are:

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