Personality Theories

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Personality Theories

Personality Theory for Personality Development


Personality making is a complex procedure in which many conscious and unconscious attributes shape up the whole personality of an individual. Schools pay a lot of attention on making up the personality of a child. According to many theories formation of a personality begins from quite early stage. Any distortion in the process bears a great deal of impact on a child. Everyone has a different approach due to different personality they have. Their personality fabricates their perceptions. That is how every individual is different from other mostly. In this assignment, I will elaborate and evaluate my personality on the basis of Carl Jung's Psychological Type Theory (Wilde, 2011).

We rarely sit down and start to wonder what sort of personality we have. We normally do not pay attention to the elements and factors which have contributed in building our personality. You can see a variety people around who maybe shy, confident, extrovert, introvert, jealous, generous etc. How come they have arrived on these attributes? Is there any explanation that can reason the whole phenomenon? So far there are a number of researchers who have rendered their contribution to explain the factors involved in shaping up certain personality in a span of time (Kaufmann, 1980).


Majority of people know about Sigmund Freud, Katherine Benziger's, Hans Eysenck's and Alfred Adler. They have accessed the personality of an individual right from childhood to its old age. All these theories have tried to reason how one picks one attribute over another. It is actually differentiating point in a person; more precisely it is the uniqueness of a person. Yet, there is an interesting finding that says that theorists are more interested in locating the commonalities among the people. It explains the infrastructure of a person how they work together and develop issues. The study of personality is incomplete without psychological intervention.Carl Jung's Theory

Jung's childhood was disturbing for him. He had witnessed a lot of stress in the tender period of life. Despite all the tough time, he managed to come up with an extra ordinary brain. The world considers him as one of the world's greatest leader. He had collaborated the work of Freud and Adler and believed that the former was extraverted and the latter was introverted (Friedman and Schustack, 2009). He involved psychoanalysis of a personality to comprehend the structure and nature which drives the psychic energy in an ...
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