Personality, Motivation & Job Satisfaction

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Evaluation of 'Personality, Motivation and Job Satisfaction: Hertzberg meets the Big five'


Summary of the Article4

Potential Contributions5

Strengths and Weaknesses with Suggested Improvements6





Evaluation of 'Personality, Motivation and Job Satisfaction: Hertzberg meets the Big five'


This paper aims to evaluate the study 'Personality, motivation and job satisfaction: Hertzberg meets the Big five' written by written by Adrian Furnham and Andreas Eracleous (University College London, London, UK) and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic (Goldsmiths University of London, London, UK). The title of the study is 'Personality, motivation and job satisfaction: Hertzberg meets the Big Five”. The study aims to investigate the degree to which demographics and personality factors contribute in employee motivation and job satisfaction as demonstrated by the two factor theory. The result of the study described that from 9% to 15% of the variance is contributed by the big five personality traits and demographic variables. Similarly, according to the prior findings job status and conscientiousness both contributed in demographic factors and personality characteristics.

According to the two factor theory of motivation demonstrates that dissatisfaction and satisfaction are not two totally distinct factors of similar scale, however, these are two different factors resulted by a verity of work factors which are termed as motivators and hygiene factors. Psychologists from differential approach have been emphasizing on the work performance related predictors of individual differences.

The study has described the relevant details of the variable including personality, motivation and job satisfaction. From the point of view of employees, job satisfaction leads to several benefits including creating new thinking, reducing moral stress, and innovation which lead them to high level, innovative and good relationship with co-workers, supervisor and workers etc. Few issues have attracted much interest of organizational behavioral scholars of as the association among productivity and satisfaction. The common question is whether workers are more productive, when satisfied or not. Productivity is defined as the measure of how well the system operations or measures of the organization.

Overall, the study contributes in the understanding the subject. The study explores the relationship between personality, work motivation and job satisfaction. Nowadays, the organizations are interested in investigating the traits of personality since 25 years ago the organizational training and development was entirely different. According to the needs of past, organizations adopted training and development courses as per the demands of organization. Previously, the focus of training and development were manual dexterity, occupational and trade skills and related technical skills. However, today, in the 21st century training and development has been shift to soft skills and personal attributes and characteristics. Additionally, it focuses more on interpersonal skills including appearance and manner. This shift is very recent and modern. Nowadays, the programs designed for training and development address social, interpersonal skill and personality.

Summary of the Article

The given study aims to explore the level to which demographic characteristics and personality traits contribute employee's job satisfaction and demographic characteristic as demonstrated by the two factor theory. For the study 202 employees working fulltime filled three questionnaires which ...
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