Personality Dynamics And Implications

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Personality Dynamics and Implications

Personality Dynamics and Implications


This paper is about the reflective practice and discusses some examples of reflective practice regarding the development in personality dynamics. This paper includes the different models of reflection to describe the examples in a very effective and efficient manner. Before starting with the cases or examples of reflective practice first of all, I would like to say something about the reflective practice that what it is all about.

In plain language, reflective learning is basically learning through experience. Reflective practice tells about the association related with the learning and experience. It is also used in the medical or social activities and in the education field, where it is necessary to provide the excellent quality of work every time. It makes them bridge the gap between theory and practice; also help them to analyze their practice on a continual basis (Hay, 2007). This practice enables them to take care of their clients, students or whoever is directly related to their work.

We might say that reflective practice involves issues present on the we realize the issues taken for granted and our habitual ways of view and behavior, to establish its relevance and validity in the present. In this way, we could establish a set of qualities or changes necessary to develop even usher in the development of a reflective journal.


To analyze the development from childhood and adolescence stage, I shall review my life and growth here. The few stories that I propose to tell here will know the psychological motives that caused the reaction that I felt in my heart. I remember the time when I was 5 or 6 years old, and my brother took me to school against my will. I was scared, and children around me were crammed into one of the most cramped place. My brother took me to my teacher and introduced me. He asked my name, but I could not reply him because of the fear. My mother was full of joy, as it was my first day at school. Gradually, I became friendly with everyone and made many friends.

When I was 13, my parents moved to a house that was about 25 minutes away from my elementary school. They agreed to let me finish out 8th grade at this school, but I was to attend the high school closer to our new house rather than the feeder high ...
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