Personality Development

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Personality Development

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Personality Development


Nowadays, companies make a huge investment in its human resources, as employees are the ones who actually have to work and their performance is crucial for business success. Therefore, leaders keep an eye over their employee and continuously strive to identify individuals in an organization who can serve as a leader in the near future based on their knowledge, skills and abilities. In today's era, organization also investing in individual development of an employee, so organization will have talent pool that is competent of being leaders.


Personal development plan refers to an action plan grounded on values, goal-setting, awareness, and reflection for self improvement. Personal development plan includes planning regarding education, career and relationship for self-development.

Personality Development Opportunity

The first step of Personality development plan is self-awareness. Self awareness is a process in which individual strengths and weakness of an individual is being identified. Later on, based on these strengths and weaknesses strategies for development will be designed. For instance, if a person has strengths like cautions, dutifulness and artistic interest; on the other hand, also have weaknesses in areas like activity-level, cooperation and imagination. This activity helps in assessing the areas of improvement. On the other hand, the foremost method of identifying strength and weakness of individuals is through personality assessment. Some individuals are extravert and introvert based on these personalities' strengths and weakness can be determined (Caspi & Roberts, 2001, pp. 49-66).

The evaluation of strengths and weaknesses revolve around core responsibilities of an individual. Personality development has three criteria that are role clarification, core responsibilities and personal leadership style. Individual must be clear about the role and responsibilities. Based on the role, responsibilities, and strength and weaknesses reflect on personal leadership styles of an individual. The most common personal leadership styles of an individual are authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire.

Individual starts working on its weaknesses and strive to transform these weaknesses into strengths. For example, if individual lack in critical thinking that is considered being an essential part of leadership role, he or she must put efforts to convert weaknesses into strengths. Critical thinking ability cannot be built in days it requires practice to acquire this ability. Mentoring is effective in developing such ability. Mentor can guide an individual and with the passage of time provide an opportunity to practice critical thinking ability. Other most significant quality a person who wants to move forward in leadership grid must have effective communication skill. He must be able to communicate among team members and to do so a person must have a skill to be a part of a team or have a skill to be a team player (Baek-Kyoo, 2012, pp.220-335).


After assessing strengths and weaknesses, current position become clear of an individual. Hence, goals become clear and areas of development are set to work on. Effective strategies are required to transform weakness into strength. These strategies may include activities such as personal training, group discussion, lecture-cum-discussion, on-the-job training, training games, ...
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