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Based on psychology there are five factors of personality and at the same time can be termed as five broad dimensions of personality. It is these five factors which are said to describe the personality of the human. The theory which is said to be based on the big five factors is termed as the FFM Model also known as the Five Factor Model. The framework of personality which is the Big Five Framework was developed by Costa & McCrae in the year of 1992. It is said to emerge as a model that is robust by nature and it is said to be based on comprehending the link that exists amidst personality and behavior (APA, 2003).

The five factors which exist are:

Openness: It is said to be a domain that is concerned with active imagination, attentiveness in terms of the inner feelings, aesthetic sensitivity, and preference for variety as well as the intellectual curiosity.

Conscientiousness: It is said to be a domain that is concerned with self-discipline, thoroughness, carefulness, self-organization as well as deliberation. Basically It is concerned with the tendency to think strategically before acting. It can also be further defined as character.

Extraversion: It is said to be a domain which is concerned with a behavior that is outgoing, energetic as well as talkative

Agreeableness: It is said to be a domain which defines behavior as being kind, cooperative, considerate as well as warm.

Neuroticism: It is said to be a domain which is concerned with of envy, moodiness, worry, anxiety, as well as jealousy. Individuals who are said to be high on the neuroticism end is said to experience feelings that are said to be associated with depressed mood, anxiety, anger, guilt, as well as envy (Thomas, 2012).

Consistency & time

With respect to time and consistency these traits are said to be highly ...
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