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In this investigation, I have discussed an overview of psychology under the head of introduction. A short touch is also given to personality in terms of psychology. The two scholarly definitions of Allport and Child are addressed in the paper. The validity and reliability concept has been discussed in the paper, due to its high relevancy with convergent & divergent validation. Step by step test conductors of convergent and divergent validation have been critically analyzed in this paper. The evidence of convergent and divergent validation is discussed in the paper with the help of personality trait example.



The ten words term “psychology” constitutes great meaning in it. The term psychology is made up of two Greek words “psyche” and “logos”. Psyche means soul and logos mean word. Psychology the branch of science has been segmented in to distinctive types; each type contains detailed information regarding different aspect of human attribute (Miller, 1890, pp 13-16). Psychology is regarded as the study of human mind and its functions. The study of psychology covers every aspect of individual or group mental characteristics. In this contemporary world, psychologists use different scientific methods in order to predict and explain the nature of human behavior. Personality is regarded as one of the integral part of psychology (Hogan, 1976, pp 1-3). With respect to psychology, personality constitutes great meaning in it. It helps in identifying the nature of an individual or group by using different methods. Personality is segmented in distinctive types, which facilitates the observer in identifying the personality of an individual or a group.



According to Allport (1961), the term personality is a dynamic organization, inside an individual, of psychophysical system that creates psychological attributes of behavior, feelings and thoughts. In simple terms, personality ion psychology means identification of different attributes of human behaviors, thoughts and feelings.

According to Child (1968), internal factors, more or less stable identify the behaviors of an individual from time A to time B. The behavior of one individual is different from another individual while manifesting in comparable situation.

Description of definition

Both the definitions discussed above, identifies that personality is an internal factor which guides the behavior of an individual or a group. Allport (1961) specifies psychophysical word in his definition, which reflects the physical and psychological elements. According to Child (1968), individual personality is stable, or remains stable for a certain time period. The personality of an individual does not change dramatically in weeks; it takes a fair bit of time. The personality of an individual changes due to environmental changes. It has been found that, there is a strong association between personality and environmental changes. Here by environmental change means any change in family or peer behavior and other elements that are close to human life. Stress that is caused by any environmental change (earth quake, death, natural disaster and family relations) is regarded as one of the best example personality change. The personality trait of an individual does not change with dramatic change; the behavior of an individual is ...
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