Personal Work Group Evaluation

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Personal Work Group Evaluation

Personal Work Group Evaluation

u04a1 Worksheet

Name: _______________________

Identify the group type.

The group represents the characteristics of a task force group. A task force group is a formal group in which individuals come together to achieve a common task. The members in this group are bought together from different functional areas of an organization (Robbins, 2010, p.124).

2. Using the worksheet on page 207 of your text, identify the formal roles and group communication roles of the group members.

The group communication roles in task force are of harmonizer, energizer, leader and gatekeeper. These roles are the drivers of the group performance and take care of responsibility assignment. The role of the leader makes him part of the group as well as makes him stand out of the group to take an assessment of the group performance. Leader provides vision to the group and ensures that the group objectives are achieved collectively. A harmonizer ensures harmony among the group and makes everyone happy. Energizer stimulates action in the group and charges the group environment to achieve higher work assignments or quality. Gatekeeper ensures that the communication channels are open and works to have everyone's participation.

The formal roles of members in the task force are of initiator, facilitator, information provider, clarifier and summarizer. The initiator brings fresh perspective to the group regarding problems and issues. Facilitator helps the group members in recognizing their collective goals and works to reduce conflicts within the group. Clarifier seeks clarity in the discussion and helps the discussion in achieving simplification. Summarizer works to synthesize the current state of discussion, and highlights the issues agreed and disagreed in the discussion.

Identify and describe the stages the group has experienced. Refer to the “Team Effectiveness article.

The task force groups also undergo 5 group stages which are (Robbins ...
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