Personal Work Group Evaluation

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Personal Work Group Evaluation

Personal Work Group Evaluation

Currently, I have been engaged in a group for making a particular indigenous community aware about their practices detrimental for their health; however, the efforts of the group do not seem to bring about expected outcomes. Including me, there are five members in my group; John (Team Leader), Sandy (an African American girl), Vishal (an Asian boy) and Peter.

Identify the group type. (Use terminology found in your reading for this unit. Your answer should fill about one - two sentences.)

Different groups are formed within many organizations at different levels; these include: bona fide group, primary work team, longstanding team, project teams, prefab teams, self managing teams, directional group, quality teams, task force groups, focus groups, steering committees, social support group, geographically diverse teams, and communities of practice group. My group is a social support group as it aims to provide informational support to indigenous community.

Using the worksheet on page 207 of your text, identify the formal roles and group communication roles of the group members. (Your answer may be displayed in a grid or using complete sentences to fill about one-two paragraphs.)

Group communication roles are classified by Kenneth Benne & Sheats (1948) in to three broad categories: group task roles, group maintenance roles, and self- centered roles. Groups are helped by Task Roles to accomplish their goals; social support is promoted among group members by Maintenance Roles; whereas individual goals are only supported by Self- Centered Roles that may not be in compatibility with group relationships and goals on the whole. All in all, task and maintenance roles are fruitful for the organization; while, self- centered roles are damaging and lead to ineffectualness (Shockley-Zalabak, 2011). In my group, being a team leader, John initiates in many situation and provides relevant information of our queries but sometimes he tries to dominate the group which creates a tensed situation. Sandy and Vishal fit in to maintenance role well as they try to relieve tension while group conflicts; however, Peter stereotypes Sandy because of her context and thus plays a self- centered role.

Identify and describe the stages the group has experienced. Refer to the “Team Effectiveness article. (Your answer should fill about one paragraph for EACH stage the group has experienced.)

Over the time of their existence, teams have been demonstrated to go through a pattern of stages very consistently; these stages include: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and ...
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