Personal Time Management

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Personal Time Management

Personal Time Management


No matter how efficient your internal business systems are, and regardless of the quality of the people you hire or outsource to, if you can't manage your time, then you can't be an effective businessperson. Modern time management is a blend of commonsense techniques we've all heard before and the computer technology available today in the form of contact managers, schedulers, and workflow systems. First, let's discuss the fundamentals and how to carry them out. This paper discusses the importance and Personal Time Management techniques for accountant.


Time management is a big problem for everyone. Those who have become truly successful in their work have not started to do anything from their work, they have utilized the available time efficiently and thus they have succeeded. In this fast moving world every one complains that they don't have time to complete their tasks, students always have difficulties to prepare them for exams on time, and often many of us are unable to manage time for family or friends. Much has been written about time management and the need to manage workloads effectively. These skills are particularly necessary in a busy school office where PAs and School Secretaries often work for more than one senior administrator and deal with numerous people and situations throughout the day. (Seiwert 2001, 22 )

One cannot manage too many affairs: like pumpkins in the water, one pops up while you try to hold down the other. -- Chinese Proverb

Managing your work team

If you don't work in a team, do you know who in your school you can call on if you have an urgent job to do, or need support to finish a task that is urgently required by school management? Learn who your back-up staff is, and when it is appropriate to ask them to support you - i.e. what constitutes a crisis or high priority task.

Maintain good working relationships with your co-workers, treat them with respect, and they will always be willing to help you, thus ensuring that you not waste your Boss's time whilst he/she waits for you to find time to do the job. You may also be providing them with an opportunity for growth and learning as they undertake higher order tasks. (Macan 2004 381-391)

Managing your Environment

Everyone has a different way of working. Some people colour-code every file folder, then file alphabetically within that folder. Others keep everything in untidy piles on their desk and floor. Whilst there is no right way to maintain your desk (and office) space, and even if you prefer the 'messy' solution, you still should take time to do a basic tidy-up every afternoon, as you never know when your Boss will require that elusive document which may have simply been paper-clipped or stapled to another document! (Adams 2009, 72-77)

Making use of technology

It goes without saying that you should also organise your computer files in a logical format so that they are easily accessible by not only ...
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