Earning a graduate degree is one of the major decisions of one's life, especially for those who want to purse distinctive career goals and ambitions in their life. My decision to associate with a graduate degree program offered by the University of Maryland has been influenced and affected by many factors, which directly or indirectly link with my career plans in a foreseen future. The prime reason to graduate from the University of Maryland is the image and reputation that the university has developed in the field of academic qualifications and academic learning domain.
At present, I am a student of Nursing with proficient skills of communication, problem solving and decision making. I have an established understanding and firsthand experience of the Regional and Town planning that I gained during the course of my internship program. I intend to take the community planning program from this university because it is one the best planning programs of the country. Through this graduate program, I can avail the fortunate opportunity to enhance my learning process and furnish my critical skills that are essential to excel in the desired field of work. The incorporated teaching methodologies will help me to acquire the latest knowledge of the field with exposure to the practical examples and filed work events.
Learning has always been a two way process, so if I polish my skills and knowledge and groom my personality through this graduate program, in return I will be making a worthy contribution to the university. It is one of the most established objectives of any university to produce talented and skilled workforce for the business and corporate world. With my career plans and determination to learn, I might rank among the proud and bright stars of the university who will attract investors and international business opportunities towards the university.
The pool of knowledge that I will develop through class and practical assignment learning will allow me to make an active contribution to enhance the field research work at the university. The authentication and validity of my research work and the knowledge database will also be contributing to the goodwill of the university. The opportunity to incorporate the theoretical knowledge through community planning studio and internship programs will enable me to enhance the creative thinking process that will nurture my capacity and potential to implement innovative ideas in the practical field.
My field of interest is the community planning program with exposure to the real world application of the theoretical knowledge. Community planning helps public agencies to work in coordination with the community to deliver better services that can make a real difference to the life of people. My interest in this course has been developed through my personal and close experience of real life difficulties of local and community living. Community programs and community meetings may help to better recognize and resolve the issues of community members.
Practical learning prospect is the reason that has asked me to join the University of Maryland ...