I intend to do my major in mental health counseling, because I experienced difficult times in life and would like to help others facing life changing situations. I am a veteran of the United States Navy and this introduced me to different people from diverse cultures.
I will be a good counselor for mental health, because I have been through life changing situations that have taught me a lot about people and brought me toward the field of psychology. I am currently studying Abnormal Psychology and Research Methods for Psychology at the Tennessee State University. I have completed four classes of psychology. My GPA is 3.2 and I am a hardworking student, who is eager to learn new things every day. I intend to do even better in the Mental Health Counseling program as it is of greater interest to me.
My strengths include that I am kind hearted, outgoing and honest, and I hold moral ethics close to my heart. I am a good friend and ensure that I am always there when my friends need me. I have very good leadership skills and can manage teams. My leadership skills were enhanced and polished when I became a Girl Scout Troop Leader. I have 11 girls in my troop and I am trying to mentor them into young ladies with a good character and empowerment. I am a goal and detail oriented person, and try to make my girls the same. The experiences with different kinds of people, coming from diverse backgrounds have groomed me into a tolerant, patient and self-actualizing person. I feel pleased to be able to help people. The best thing is that I am very friendly and make friends easily. It is important that a mental health counselor makes their clients comfortable and ...