Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement


Assessing one own's self is very important in life. This gives the person the opportunity to get things right in life and to make sure that he is following his priorities in life. The person prioritize things in life only after he assesses himself and the activities in which he is involved. A person can conduct self analysis in many ways, and one way of conducting self analysis is with respect to psychology (McKenna, 2000, pp. 25). Applying business psychology in our way of life helps us in improving the way we work and the way we go about doing our daily activities. Business psychology also gives us a chance to overcome our shortcomings, so that we can indulge in activities that can improve our work. This paper will reflect on how I applied business psychology to improve my life.


Business psychology is basically maximising the main assets of the organisation i.e. the people of the company. The main assets of the organisation can be achieved by realising the importance of the behavioural issues and their impact on the people. Business psychology makes sure that there is a right balance between education, information and teamwork in the organisation. Business psychology has helped me in improving my performance and my way of working. There are four levels of business psychology:


Business psychology has helped me a lot as now I only do things that benefit my organization. Business psychology makes sure that the employees are working according to the psychology of the organisation . the business psychology motivates the employees to work and act according to the psychology of the organisation. business psychology encouraged me work as per the psychology of the company. Business psychology reduced the communication gap and I was aligned with the goals and objectives of the organization (


Business psychology helps in answering questions about a person, such as, Am I a team player, Can I work with others peacefully, etc. While working, business psychology helped me answer questions about myself that I did not know before. Through Business psychology I was able to make sure that I worked in a team and that my activities were in the best interest of the team and the organisation. It helped me in achieving the team goals and made me realise whether I can work in a team or not.


Business psychology is a good tool in analysing how a person deals with other people and how he works with them. While working with others, a person should make sure that he works in the best interest of the company. He should not look for his self interest, nor should he listen to others. This way the person can makes sure that he is performing his best and is doing his work according to the psychology of the company. Inter-Personal level of business psychology helped me in interacting effectively with other people and also made me a more responsible and sensible person. Now I know how to interact with others ...
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