Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Statement of Purpose

“Low aim is the crime, so we should have high aims in our life”

These words of Emerson truly reflect how a passionate person should live his or her life. Life is not a bed of roses. It presents many challenges to us, but the winner is one who faces these challenges, and proves himself as a remarkable individual. Life has also thrown many challenges to me, and I dealt with them bravely. My motto in life is to be myself and discover pearls of knowledge to awaken my spirit and to serve others.

When I was 17 years old, I received a scholarship which led me to pursue an advertising degree. Up to this point, I was passionately committed to the fine arts. After being rewarded with a scholarship, I further sharpened my interest and skills in advertising. While I had the potential to remain in Kuwait and study, I was thrilled by the opportunity to continue my education abroad and establish my independence. I come from a Bahai family in the cultural context of Muslim society, which imbued me, with a sense of restriction from an early age. Growing up, I always felt restrained to rigid patterns of thought and strict behavioral expectations. I had to live my life how others wanted me to and the way I wanted to. I soon realized that success would only come to me through struggle and commitment.

My mother once told me that when I was little, no one noticed my presence in a room as I was introspective, and was always busy in drawing. While my interests and experience has grown significantly since that time, I recognized many elements of my creative talent in my childhood through the drawings and illustrations I made in my childhood. Today I remain introspective ...
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