Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement


This paper intends to discuss my work experience for the purpose of applying to the college. My work experience is related to a library. I have chosen this field of work due to my intense involvement in books. Moreover, I also believe that working with books enhances my knowledge and my ability to deal with different types of people. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about my daily experiences at the library.


I am working in Reston Library since October, 2010. For almost one year, I volunteered my services to the library out of my love with the books. My manager at library recognized me during my volunteering of services as a teenager who possesses necessary competencies to perform significant functions within the library. The manager offered me to work as a page within the library in return of some monetary benefits. Accepted the position mainly because of two reasons, firstly I wanted to support my education and secondly I was given an opportunity to spend more time with books which is my favorite pastime.

Moreover, I also had a feeling that working for a library can provide me opportunities to serve my community. Similarly, I felt that I can even give a tremendous amount of rise to my own moral values by working for a library. Contributing positively towards the betterment of my society has always been a motivation for my work. Along with contributing towards the society, I also had financial reasons for working as a paid page within the Reston Library. Since August 2011, I am working as a paid page for almost ten hours a week.

I usually work for about three hours in the Reston library and my main responsibility remains to setup the books in correct order. I feel extremely relieved when I look at the shelves with books in correct order. I similarly touch several books and smile on a regular basis when I am done with my work. I feel encouraged seeing those books in the correct order and my whole hard work pays off immediately. Then I push the empty cart back to the storage room. I have this habit ever since I started to in the library, which was in October of 2010.

Even though library page's works are small responsibilities and duties that when comparing to the whole community they seem insignificant, I ...
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