Personal Statement

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Personal Statement Essay to Get an Admission

(Social Work will allow me to grow)

Personal Statement Essay to Get an Admission in Masters in Social Work

Graduate means holder of learned degree. If a man is doing a job completely converse of his concerns then he misplace interest in his area and vocation it's the most tough task to select your vocation because you're entire future counts upon it. When you conclude to select your vocation there arrive so numerous proposals by so numerous persons that they do not anything but bewilder you more and more. There are so numerous stresses, slash -throat affray, accessible choices in the route of your success. Once you get the right pathway you can accomplish anything but before that you have to proceed through numerous vital considered processes. You're preceding learned backdrop, in which area you are involved in and tallies in the normalized checks display what you are adept of delivering.

My aim is to do Masters in Social Work as I think it will allow me to grow and groom my personality. I am applying to (Name of School) for the Masters of Social Work program. My career goal is to work with underprivileged people, especially those with a history of behavioral and emotional problems. I want to complement this practical experience with specialized training in order to best serve these individuals.

I am a graduated in Industrial Psychology from Dominican Republic and worked as a Manager in the Human Resources Department in Compania del Colore and also attended various courses such as Child Behavior, Human Sexuality, and Environmental factors that affect the human behavior and work stress. I also participated in the Dominican, Puerto Rican Congress of Psychology.

The object of social work is a system of social relations i.e. stable relations between actors, groups, and sectors of society. In social philosophy, Marx said “Personality is understood as a system of social relations” (Thyer, 1987). Social work exploring the same object (society) that a number of other human sciences (sociology). The subject of social work are not all social relationships and group relationships that are most problematic, that is, lead to instability, social disruption, rising social tensions, the emergence of social conflicts, getting people in difficult life situations, as well as patterns of interaction between the subjects of social work at optimization of social relations (in the process of restoring the ability of social actor). Social work studies the activity, i.e. the introduction of an active subject in the subject of social work.

The social worker is a professional social action that deals with promoting human welfare and the prevention and treatment of difficulties and / or social needs of individuals, families, groups and social environment in which they live. Likewise, the Masters in social work articulates the social resources that are needed to overcome personal crises and family. The work of these professionals is at all care services to individuals and families. This person is responsible for providing information, guidance and psychosocial support to ...
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