Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Business has always been an important aspect of my family life, as my father has managed our family- firm since 1994. For our entire family the business entity was more than just a source of income; it was a significant part of all our lives. My father loved managing his own business, and often involved me and my mother, in the various decisions. Over the years, his passion and obsession for business infected all of the family, and I developed a keen interest in the field of economics and business. Just like my father before me, I want to attain the essential knowledge regarding the field and be able to become a successful business person.

Prompt 1

To achieve my goal of becoming a successful business person; I have decided to pursue my professional degree in the field of “Business and Economics”, as it would provide me the essential knowledge and skills to attain a successful career. My family has a huge influence over my life, as I seek their advice on several major decisions. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with an adorable younger brother in 2000, and I have attempted to provide him the same environment that my parents provided for me. My father's love for business has had a great impact over my life, as I have always admired his dedication and passion. I have been lucky enough to be blessed with an adorable younger brother in 2000, and I have attempted to provide him the same environment that my parents provided for me. I was taught by my parents and grandfather, that the way we manage business, is similar to the way we lead our lives. Both of the activities require dedication and honesty, and the interests of all the stakeholders involved in the business entity have to be considered. My upbringing helped me to develop a deep interest in the field of business, and motivated me to develop a clear vision regarding my career prospects.

I have graduated from the Seattle Central Community College, and have been fortunate enough to enhance my academic skills, and also develop my community service activities. During the time at my college, I was very keen to increase my involvement in the society and due to this outlook I volunteered in the “Coffee Talk” club. The club gave me an opportunity to meet new people with diverse cultural ...
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