Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Architecture is a natural choice for me. I love the thrill of solving a problem in maths? physics and everyday life. I do this with an imagination and enthusiasm that has propelled me to two terms as a Student. These qualities and an insatiable drive have brought me academic success and fulfillment. In architecture I find the opportunity to express and develop these strengths and abilities

UK is a country littered by abandoned dwellings and these spur my interest in complementary design and construction in renovation while my life close to the land inspires an interest in alternative techniques such as straw bale. To build a structure worthy of Frank Geary out of turf blocks would be a dream. I am clear that I want to pursue a course in the area of architecture or planning? because it will enable me to combine the strongest aspects of my personality; a fascination with functional art and design? particularly arrangements of light and space; enthusiasm for solving practical problems; and working with other people. It is my desire to travel around the world and experience other cultures and broaden my horizons. With this in mind? possessing a set of transferable skills and knowledge will be invaluable for the future.

My ambition is to go to University of Iowa and decision to study architecture at the University of Iowa foremost priority of my life. My work experience last year helped me decide that I wanted to study an area of architecture or planning. At school I have been an all- rounder and this can be reflected in my grades. So for A- levels? I have been torn between arts and sciences.

I opted for a balance? because I knew how important it is to express my creativeness as well as learn more about the physical world. I have a deep interest in literature? which I would like to expand and develop. I have confidence and am a very keen worker who will not give up until I have achieved my full potential. I feel prepared to take responsibilities and am co- operative and willing to accept guidance where ever it will aid my cause. I always try to be enthusiastic and find I get on well with other people and enjoy meeting new people and experiencing new surroundings. I also have the ability? and willingness? to listen and try to understand the view points ...
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