Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

My name is Torran Ambrose, I am 19 years old and I have chosen these courses because I am very passionate about them. I have chosen these subjects because I fell that I can bring and gain experience and lots of ideas to the table.

Most of the us have had a bit of experience in organising birthday parties or marriage receptions. It may have been for a friend or a close relative. But nearly all of us end up feeling a bit exhausted and never really get around to doing everything we wanted to. Managing an event requires the expertise of professionals as much as any other enterprise.

Large-scale events like music concerts, product launches, sports championships need a greater degree of involvement by experts. At times this involvement may have to begin way before the actual event. Choosing the site as per client specifications, discussing the finances and material procurement are a few pre-event necessities. Olympics, the grandest of all sports events, to the product launches, big budget weddings and corporate functions, every event is managed as an individual project by the event management firms.

Every event is quite unique in its own way and demands a different approach. The rock concerts for example are just like any other music concert except for the huge crowds of enthusiastic fans they draw. The event management works in tandem with the musicians in setting up the stage, sound and lighting on hire and rental for other peripherals for making the event possible. Crowd management is a very critical aspect of such events, including product launches involving video production, which if not looked into carefully can ruin the whole experience for the participants. There have been incidents of extreme violence during rock concerts; Rolling Stone's Altamont free concert in 1969 was one such infamous event.

It is a norm for multi-million dollar business houses to make their presence felt by hosting corporate functions of magnitude. These corporate functions may be aimed at strengthening relations with customers or at better bonding and understanding with employees.

Taking part in a vocational course in the 6th form has enabled me to develop my organisational skills. I planned a Christmas event for younger children, which involved researching various activities and focusing on time management

I have also been involved in three school productions, which allowed me to develop my confidence and independence. Being part of a cast has let me experience being part of a team and how important my communication skills are

Playing in a successful netball team at school has taught me self-discipline and the ability to work with a diverse range of people. I am an enthusiastic member of the school netball team having gained an award for my achievement in being a runner up in the Black Prince Cup

Back in my school days I've been on numerous trips on the PGL, which involves climbing rocks, white water rafting, hiking. I was also the captain for my rugby team in Halliford School for 4 ...
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