Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

Since the industrial revolution between 1750 and 1850, hundreds of chemicals were made, developed and used for our benefits without taking into account their safety. Unfortunately, few of such chemicals produced noxious impacts in humans, animals, plants and environment.

Consequently, there was a need to merge a wide range of general subjects and more specific areas in one field known as Toxicology. It is a combination of Biology, Chemistry and Medicine to study an impact of biological, chemical and physical agents on living organisms and environment. Toxicology becomes indispensable to determine the chemicals' toxicity.

Each compound in our earth is potential to produce a toxic effect in which that depends to its dose known as dose-dependent. Toxicology plays an essential role in protecting living organisms and environments from the injurious effects of chemicals and other noxious agents.

It acts to decrease the possibility of making and using toxic compounds and doing risk assessment on probably toxicant compound to discover the safe limit of intakes. In addition, toxicology raises public awareness through identifying the harmful effects of toxicants and preventing exposures to toxicants.

Toxicologists are looked to be a source of information on what foods, chemicals and cosmetic products are secure and the possible harmful substances that may be found in such products.

Toxicologists are working in regulatory field in governmental authorities and agencies and even in companies due to understanding dangerous effects of substances that may have and establish safe limit of intake through experiments and research in order to protect the public.

After participating in the Saudi Chemistry Olympiad Competition for High School Students in 2001, I found myself being interested in chemistry and its impact on our health and the surrounding environment. Liking Chemistry and its healthy impact guided me to joint Pharmacy College of King Saud University in Riyadh.

I have had strong and concrete knowledge about the relation between chemical sciences and their health impacts and safe and effective use of pharmaceutical drugs. In the end of the bachelor, I got the choice to decide my future to decide which particular field I will specialize.

I read about all my choices, which were Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmaceuticals, Drugs analysis, Herbals and Toxicology. I felt comfortable and relax about Toxicology Program. After consulting Professor Othman Alshabanah, I decided to specialize in Toxicology field.

Having a strong hold in the field of research and analysis, I have also sent recommendations and ...
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