Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement


“Low aim is the crime, so we should have high aims in our life”

These words of Emerson truly reflect how a passionate person should live his or her life. Life is not a bed of roses. It presents many challenges to us, but the winner is one who faces these challenges, and proves himself as a remarkable individual. Life has also thrown many challenges to me, and I dealt with them bravely. My motto in life is to be myself and discover pearls of knowledge to awaken my spirit and to serve others (Stinchomb, 2003).

It is the general trend that can be observed in any phenomenon that is part of this world that it would burgeon and grow with the passage of time. As technological advancements are taking place, this gives a rapid rise to the evolution. We see changes and evolution in a different field. Similarly, field of law also has faced many changes. One of the evolutions that have occurred in this field is of specialization. Criminal justice is a windswept field. It involves many facets and sub-divisions. Previously, what used to happen is that an attorney used to handle cases of all the sub-divisions of criminal law. Now an attorney specialized in a particular field of criminal law and handles the case of only specialized field.

My introduction into the criminal justice system was an unexpected and unpleasant one. During sophomore year of high school, a member of my immediate family was arrested, tried, convicted, and incarcerated. At 14 years old, it was difficult to understand why my family was being torn apart and with whom to lay the blame. I'm the middle child amongst five siblings and from an early age, I have been living apart from the rest of my family. I was raised by my grandparents. After visiting my family member in prison, we would all be depressed and felt hopeless. After the visit, festive occasions, holidays and family get-together were never quite the same as we would all be in a gloomy mood. It took a toll on each one of us. I could not comprehend exactly the severity of the situation or accept it (Lambert & Regan, 2001)..

Personal Evaluation


As an individual, my strengths lie in the fact that I'm an optimistic individual who is always looking to find positives even in the most adverse situations. My belief that eventually matters would be resolved has helped me in a number of tight situations. Another one of my strength is when I persevere; I can accomplish my goals with relative ease. I only have to set my mind to it. I can easily draw motivation from my failures. My never-say-die attitude is another aspect that is my strength.


Even though I can easily motivate myself, I can be as easily de-motivated too. There have been several incidents when failure has dealt a significant blow to my efforts. Another major weakness of mine is that often procrastinate matters. I wait till the last moment ...
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