Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

“Our ethics are expressed in our actions, which is why they are usually clearer to others than to ourselves.” Sir Adrian Cadbury

Life is a name of experience. I learnt this lesson a long time back. Times change and circumstances change, these changes bring with themselves a wealth of experience. All experiences are positive; they only require a certain viewpoint or angular view to notice that fact. Anyone can use these experiences as a fuel to spur them towards a goal, the only two things which are needed for that is the distinctive viewpoint and a drive or sense of purpose. I have been inclined towards the workings of the minds from the beginning. There is nothing on Earth which has shown improvement and evolution as the human mind or the human thought process. Starting from the humble stone or club, the modern sky scrapers, computers and nuclear weapons are all the musings of the single part of the human body, the brain.

Marrying this viewpoint, to the love I have for technology, I worked my way through school, college and became a Psychiatric Technician while I was doing my undergraduate studies at the esteemed Radford University at Roanoke. There I helped, alongside my studies at the Roanoke Memorial Hospital, which has links to my University. There I used to help the nurses who looked after the psychiatric patients, along their tasks at hand to the best of my abilities. Happily enough the times passed quickly and I earned by Bachelor's degree in Psychology in the year 2000. My tenure at that place was of 6 years from 1994-2000.

As I mentioned before, times changed and circumstances changed. What with the changing political scenario of the country, the turmoil of 9/11 and my slowly growing ideology of giving back to the community, I found myself among the ranks of the pride of our nation. I joined the U.S Army. I've been serving my country according to the best of my abilities for the last 10 years. Whoever said the army life is hard was making no bones about that fact. In these 10 years I have been a veteran of many campaigns, including the Iraqi War, specifically the Operation Iraqi Freedom. The violence, carnage and horrors I witnessed there enough to turn a sane person mad. However, I had my faith; I had my belief and my Lord Savior with me. Indeed so, it would seem that He sent me a Guardian Angel, who looked after me till I came back from the war.

When I returned, I was cared for by what I deem Human Angels, i.e. Clinical Social Workers till I was good as new. My experience in life has shown me the worst i.e. war, fighting and destruction hurting or even killing people, as well as the best i.e. the time spent at Roanoke Memorial Hospital helping people. It didn't take much soul searching to understand figure out which path I would wish to ...
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